• Anne Whiteway
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 61 of 155
  • Added 05 Jul 2014
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This is another experimental image in which I used my special effects to achieve these reults.Than you for visiting.


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 09 Jul 2014

These are Really Nice colorful pictures, It Really tells A whole Story and Your characters makes me smile!

Artist Reply: Thank you John. At first I hesitated to post this because of the silly looking image at the bottom. But then I thought it looked (almost) like a surreal cow or other animal. So I posted this after all. Smiles...

Angel Estevez 09 Jul 2014

You have great ideas to create their work. I really like your art. Congratulations Anne.

Artist Reply: Angel, again, thank you for praise for my posts on AW. You are a very fine artist & I love visiting your site. Blessings to you.

yves colas 06 Jul 2014

indeed intriguing and very creative,cool work.

Artist Reply: Thank you dear YVES. Now that I look at this more, to me it looks like an animal (of some kind) near the bottom of the image... This was fun to do.

Geoff Cooper 06 Jul 2014

Lovely, bright creation Anne..

Artist Reply: thank you dear GEOFF. Even tho' you are far away in miles, you are close to me in spirit. Thank you for your continued encouragement.